Step-by-Step Publish

This page is designed to assist artists in engraving their masterpieces onto the BTC network effortlessly, offering collectors an easy way to mint at minimal cost.

Welcome to the step-by-step guide for publishing your artwork on Genify, accessible at This page is designed to assist artists in engraving their masterpieces onto the BTC network effortlessly, offering collectors an easy way to mint at minimal cost.

Step 1: Selecting a Dependency Library

Begin by choosing a dependency library that suits your project's needs.

Options include multiple versions of p5.js (1.0, 1.6, 1.9), all engraved onto the BTC network, along with pure.js for those who prefer working with pure JavaScript without third-party libraries.

For generative music, tone.js is available. Other common libraries like three.js will be added in the future.

choose dep library

Step 2: Pasting Code and Previewing

Next, paste your code into the provided input box (screenshots will guide you through this process). Upon clicking 'Preview', the right side of the screen will display the rendered effect of your code, allowing you to see your artwork come to life in real-time.

paste code area

Step 3: Providing Artwork Details

Fill in details like the Name, Artist Name, and Description of your artwork.

Specify the capture resolution for static image snapshots, the total number of editions,

and the pricing for both pre-mint and public mint (priced in BTC).

fill artwork details form

Important Note Currently, publishing on Genify requires a passcode. Artists can contact us on Discord to apply for a passcode and gain publishing access.

Publishing and Inscribing

Finally, click 'Publish' to initiate the engraving process. A pop-up interface will appear for you to select the appropriate gas fee. Confirm your selection to complete the engraving process.

send inscribing tx

Last updated